Do you want to learn more about gamification and other aspects of MOOC? On April 16, 17, and 18, OpenupEd invites you to join the online workshop and take part in the remote courses that highlight the importance of massive open distance courses (MOOC) in the future education. Registration –
2019 April 16, Tuesday [15: 00-16: 30]
Quality assurance of MOOCs: The OpenupEd quality label (Jon Rosewell, Open University, UK)
2019 Wednesday, April 17, [15: 00-16: 30]
Gamification Didactics in Massive Learning (Tiberio Feliz Murias, UNED, Spain);
Designing a MOOC course for promoting the active participation of European citizenship (Patricia Herrero de la Escosura and Ana I. González, University of Oviedo, Spain);
MOOCs for digital skills: smart education experiences in the context of Industry 4.0 (Dario Assante, UNINETTUNO, Italy)
Research Trends in Massive Open Online Course (MOOC): From tsunami Wave to Calm Waters (Nilgün Özdamar, University of Anadol, Turkey)
2019 April 18, Thursday [15:00 – 16:00]
Panel discussion.
More info HERE